Our Therapeutic Approach

Guided by an experienced therapist, each client’s treatment is tailor-made to suit their specific needs and therapeutic requirements. We understand that all our clients are unique, and we are dedicated to making sure each person gains maximum benefit from their work with us. Our holistic program combines a balance of therapeutic techniques and treatments to guarantee deep transformational healing and a life-changing experience.

Our professional, multi-disciplinary team is here to guide and support you – ensuring your wellbeing throughout your recovery – as you heal and restore balance to your mind, body, and soul with the following:

Individual Therapy
Individual therapy involves daily one-to-one sessions with our professional therapists, tailor-made to meet your specific needs. Our experienced therapeutic team is dedicated and committed to your recovery and upholds the highest standards of confidentiality to ensure a deep level of trust. A combination of therapeutic techniques and treatments are used to ensure the very best, long-term results.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a clinically effective form of therapy for people who struggle with self-doubt, anxiety, trauma, stress, and depression. It is instrumental in helping clients commit to facing problems head-on, thereby avoiding situations or denying feelings and emotions. The goal is to accept discomfort and make behavioral changes according to the client’s best interests and values.  Through ACT, clients learn how to:

  • Live life based on your values;
  • Engage with difficult feelings;
  • Change your relationship to intrusive thoughts;
  • Live in the present;
  • Develop self-compassion;
  • Embrace uncertainty and challenge

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBY)
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an advanced psychotherapy approach, frequently used in the treatment of dual diagnosis. Although DBT achieved prominence for the treatment of personality disorders, it has been successfully adapted for treating those struggling with emotional regulation, interpersonal conflict, and self-destructive behaviors. It is a comprehensive and practical approach, particularly effective in the treatment of complex mental health disorders and behavioral issues – such as trauma, substance use disorder and major depression. DBT focuses on teaching four key coping skills: core mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) continues to be one of the most valued and empirically supported therapeutic options for the treatment of addiction, anxiety, phobias, depression and sleep disorders. With CBT, the emphasis is on the present, setting goals and understanding the connection between our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Dysfunctional thinking patterns become the intervention point, from which we can develop alternative ways of thinking to increase positive feelings and healthy, helpful behaviors. There are different types of CBT, and one of our therapists will work collaboratively with you to customize the techniques, in order to meet your specific needs.

Mindfulness Therapy
Mindfulness, as a general practice, is a way of becoming more fully aware of ourselves and our environment. Through mindfulness techniques we can learn to pay more attention to the present moment, where we can observe our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in a non-judgmental way. Mindfulness forms an integral part of Dialectical Therapy, and complements Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, by creating a deeper degree of awareness. The moment of awareness is, or can become, the catalyst for change. A mindfulness therapy specialist will support you in developing the necessary skills and level of self-discipline required to simply focus on the current moment using traditional and non-traditional meditation practices as well as breathing techniques.

Trauma-Specific Therapy
Trauma-Specific Therapy (TST) is a unique therapy approach, rooted in understanding the connection between a traumatic experience and our emotional and behavioral responses to it. A therapist will guide you through exploring how trauma is having lasting, adverse affects on your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. They will utilize a variety of approaches, in combination with CBT and DBT, to address your trauma condition, trauma-related symptoms and any associated underlying issues, such as substance abuse.

Solution-Focused Therapy
Solution-Focused Therapy concentrates on our present and future situation, finding solutions to help us move forward as quickly as possible. As a future-oriented, goal-directed therapy it places the emphasis on finding solutions to problems rather than exploring and analyzing the problems themselves. Through honest self-evaluation, harmful behaviors are challenged, and negative beliefs are reframed into rational thoughts. Working with a therapy specialist, self-esteem is reinforced through affirmations, compliments, goal setting, gratitude, and validation. While it is a time-limited therapy, the effects of Solution-Focused Therapy are often long lasting.

Introduction to 12-Step Programs
Whole Professional has adopted its own signature style to treating addiction, which provides a more holistic approach compared to traditional 12-Step Programs. Our multi-disciplinary, specialist team will work with you to create a truly individualized treatment plan, created around your personal preferences and therapeutic requirements. This may include elements from the 12-Step Program, if its guiding principles resonate with you. Our integrated, holistic approach – that considers the whole being: mind, body, and soul – is proving to be a most effective approach to treating addiction.

Group Therapy
Group Therapy introduces a dynamic opportunity, presented in several interesting formats, each carefully facilitated by a professional therapist. These range from intellectually stimulating didactic lectures, to those with therapeutic themes and specialized topic groups, as well as supportive formats where individual processing is encouraged. Confidentiality is always a priority, accompanied by objectivity and a non-judgmental attitude.

Family Therapy
Treatment of dependency and dual diagnosis is significantly more effective when family and close friends are involved in the recovery process. However, this is treated with utmost discretion and Family Therapy is only incorporated with your consent and when you are ready. We can facilitate on-site or remote sessions where a specialist trained in Family Therapy creates a safe space in order to facilitate a calm and constructive family discussion, and to educate regarding reintegration. Although we encourage family attendance at support groups, this remains entirely your own choice.

Recreational Therapy
Whole Professional employs a systematic process that utilizes recreation and other activities as interventions to address the assessed needs of individuals with illnesses and/or disabling conditions as a means to psychological and physical health, recovery, and well-being.  These activities help meet well-being goals, improve social and cognitive functioning, build confidence, develop coping skills, and integrate skills learned in treatment settings into community settings. Intervention areas vary widely and are based upon enjoyable and rewarding interests of the client. Examples of intervention modalities include yoga, adventure programming, exercises like dance/movement, and skill enhancement activities, such as paddle boarding, skiing, and hiking.

Aftercare and Support
Having a personalized, effective aftercare plan is integral to recovery success, once primary treatment is complete. Based on your specific needs and issues, a trustworthy support structure will help to ensure that you maintain motivation and momentum as you transition back to everyday life. Recovery is a proactive lifestyle, designed to help you manage negative thoughts and emotions that may trigger destructive behaviors. Rather than simply focusing on what not to do, we instead aim to help you create the lifestyle that you desire; a life worth living. Dependent on unique circumstances, we will refer you to a range of services or suitable professionals to ensure you have the highest level of support for the duration of your recovery journey.
