Whole Professional is a multidisciplinary, therapeutic practice dedicated to the mental health and well-being of busy, high-performing professionals. With a team consisting of professionals from the legal, business, medical, and mental health fields, we provide services in individual and family counseling and psychotherapy, addiction and recovery treatment, medication management, nutrition, yoga, and recreational therapy. This holistic approach is designed to address the “Whole Professional,” enabling them to return to and maintain mental health, well-being, and maximum performance.
About Whole Professional

We come to this work with a deep appreciation for hard work, productivity, and success. We also recognize the toll it can take personally, professionally, and relationally if we do not take the time to take care of ourselves, both mentally and physically, as well as our relationships. We offer traditional teachings and current science to cultivate mentally and physical well-being and self-awareness, enhance relationships, and improve overall quality of life. Our core values at Whole Professional include being:
Authentic – We believe authenticity builds sustainable trust. We seek congruence in what we do and what we say. We take responsibility for our actions and own our mistakes because we know that our mistakes and struggles don’t define us.
Nurturing – We believe a nurturing environment fosters professional, personal, and emotional growth. We take time to speak value and worth to individuals. We give permission for people to show up with all their feelings.
Courageous – We embrace the courage to take calculated risks and to say the unsaid. We walk into the discomfort and speak truth, even when it is difficult.
Humble – The only way to know our humility is to know our ego. We are self-aware and seek perspective to better understand ourselves which allows us to better understand others in their own humanity.
Open – We are open and inclusive. We value diversity and the richness it brings. We welcome feedback. We listen and we learn as we lead.
Resilient – We show up every day with empathy so we can receive critical feedback with resilience instead of with resistance. We bounce back from adversity with the compassion and support of our team.