Tips to Reduce COVID-19 Anxiety

We can’t help but be impacted by the continuous stream of negative news on a global pandemic.  It’s there whether we are conscious of it or not.  Some tips to help deal with that anxiety include:

  • Focus on things you can control, such as your thoughts and behaviors.
  • Keep the big picture in mind.  Humankind will survive this.
  • Remember that the size and scope of the news coverage may not equal the size of a threat.
  • Let wisdom and logic guide you, not automatic reactions.
  • Turn to reputable sources for your information.
  • Control how often you check the latest news.
  • Model peaceful behavior for those around you.
  • Evaluate your own health behaviors and be a model for others, including children.
  • Feeling too isolated? Maintain digital connections with people.
  • Don’t let fear influence your decisions.