Tips to Avoid Being Overwhelmed by the News

It can often feel difficult to escape a bad news story these days. The news plays a prominent role in our lives and has often been emphasized even more during the past year. The pandemic has brought with it daily news briefings and a seemingly never-ending influx of COVID-related headlines.  War, and its distressing images, dominant the headlines.

Staying informed and educated is important. Constant exposure to negative reporting, however, may be bad for your well-being. The World Health Organization has found news coverage can increase distress and anxiety, and a recent study suggests news reports shared through social media lead to increased panic.

Some people may be particularly vulnerable to negative impacts of specific stories, including those already struggling. Whatever it is that triggers you, the goal is to find the balance between using the news to stay informed and not becoming overwhelmed.

Feeling triggered
A trigger is something that causes negative feelings or behaviors for someone. This can be driven by many internal processes, including a reminder of past trauma, or intense emotions such as stress, anxiety, entrapment, or a lack of control.  When someone is “triggered,” they experience negative consequences such as a panic attack, flashbacks, or an increase in mental health symptoms, such as using drugs or alcohol, disordered eating, self-harm, anxiety, or depression.

You may be able to spot that you’re at risk of being triggered by listening to your psychological and physiological responses. Noticing an increase in negative or brooding thoughts, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, or feeling like you’re in a state of high alert are all signs that you’re being triggered.

You may also have started to notice other physical symptoms related to stress, such as fatigue or changes to your sleeping pattern. Tuning in to your mind and body responses can provide the earliest signs that the news may be having a negative impact on your well-being.

If you find yourself beginning to feel negative impacts from the news, now is the time to start putting protective steps into place, which can include the following:

1. Regulate consumption
Regulating consumption of news includes making the conscious decision to take “time out” from the media. You may have noticed a pattern around the negative impacts you are experiencing.  Do you tend to feel more negative impacts if you read the news when you’re tired or just before bed, or during periods of increased general stress? If so, you may wish to limit exposure at certain times of day, in particular contexts, or both.

You may also notice that certain news sources use communication styles or content that you find particularly distressing or triggering. Perhaps they are particularly confrontational, biased, or controversial. If so, try to find more positive sources that work for you.

2. Accept your emotions
Never blame yourself for experiencing negative emotions. It is important to acknowledge that it is your right to feel how you do. In doing so, acknowledge that you also have control over your responses.  You don’t simply have to react but can, instead, learn to pause and then respond in a way more positive to your mental health.  This can help you feel more in control and more empowered to work toward more positive coping mechanisms.

3. Take care of your overall health
Investing time in your physical care can help provide you with the best chance to react positively to stressful situations.  Try to eat healthy meals, get regular—but not excessive—exercise, and maintain a good sleeping pattern. Remember the emphasis is on health, not weight loss or other potentially negative drivers. Similarly, take care of your mental health by striving for positive work-life balance, practicing mindfulness, and staying in contact with supportive friends and family.

4. Focus on the positive
If you’re being triggered by negative news coverage, try to find some positive resources to focus on. For instance, during the current pandemic, the World Health Organization suggested focusing on recovery stories rather than the more negative outcomes.

5. Replace unhealthy coping skills with positive alternatives
There are resources available to help individuals identify positive behaviors that they can use to replace unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as drinking to excess, using drugs, eating disorders and self-harm. Similar resources are available for a wide range of behaviors.

6. Seek support
Contact support groups or health care professionals. It’s important to recognize the value of positive social support and to recognize that seeking help is a positive and strong step. These contacts can also help you find other helpful resources. You are not alone; reach out for support.

It can be difficult to find the right balance between being informed by the news media and not becoming overwhelmed, especially during any kind of global crisis.  It’s natural to feel concerned, apprehensive, and stressed at times. However, it’s also important to invest time in self-care and to seek help if you are experiencing negative impacts on your health.

It is important to recognize that everyone is an individual, and what works for one person may not be the best approach for another. Be prepared to take some time to find the techniques that work for you, and do not be apprehensive about seeking professional help to guide you through this process.
