Our Team

Professionals and organizations operating in a hyper-competitive, time-sensitive environment tend to focus on developing and maintaining professional expertise, hiring the best in that field, devoting resources to maintaining credentials and proficiency, and staying ahead of the curve and on top of their fields. The most cutting-edge organizations, however, approach the development and care of their primary assets – their talent – as an integrated concept involving a variety of factors: professional expertise, mental and physical well-being, social and communal interaction and economic sustainability. Devoting resources, time and attention to the development and well-being of the Whole Professional is equally as important as developing areas of expertise.

Whole Professional takes a multidisciplinary approach to mental health and well-being. A key strength of multidisciplinary teams is that the combined expertise of a range of mental health professionals coming from business, law, and science, is used to deliver seamless, comprehensive care to the individual. The research evidence supports a multidisciplinary team working together is the most effective means of delivering a comprehensive mental health service to people with mental health challenges.
