Resilience for First Responders Program



First responders are routinely exposed to traumatic stressors, including threats of violence, assaults, and fatalities. Among first responders these stressors are linked to poorer mental health, including increased risk for burnout, addiction, suicide, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Psychological resilience, which is a learnable process of positive adaptation to stress, has been identified as a protective factor against the negative impact of burnout. Whole Professional’s psychotherapists are trained to treat the anxiety, depression, and trauma, as well as the maladaptive coping skills such as addiction, that first responders endure as a result of their jobs.

Whole Professional’s unique anxiety management program can help by bringing participants unique tools to understand and manage their anxiety.

This program is geared to the schedules of professionals and operates on a virtual platform.

Our Program Offers:

  • An understanding of the importance of the mind-body connection in managing your mental health
  • Help in identifying your how your profession may affect your mental health
  • New understanding into the causes of your anxiety
  • New tools for managing your anxiety in a healthy way
  • An understanding of how anxiety and PTSD can contribute to unhealthy coping mechanisms
  • Improved social, familial adjustment and integration
  • Reduction of the need for a higher level of care
  • Improved health and well-being

The Details
Eight Weeks
1.50 Hour Program on Thursday Night – 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Maximum group number:  12
Aftercare: Ongoing Individual and Group Therapy (additional fees apply)

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