Recovery Discovery Program



Your path to recovery starts here.  Whole Professional’s Recovery Discovery Program is an entirely virtual, eight-week program for those who are concerned that they may have the beginning of a substance abuse/misuse problem but don’t feel the need for inpatient rehab due to cost or time considerations. They may feel this is also too drastic a step for their current concerns. We often think that you have to hit “rock bottom” before treatment can work – but that’s a dangerous myth. By then the damage can be consequential and the road to recovery much harder. Addiction is a progressive disease, so proactive steps to prevent progression at an early stage is critical.

Our program is conveniently scheduled for busy professionals before the start of a workday and provides a confidential, supportive experience conducted by psychotherapists experienced in addiction and recovery, as well as the underlying issues behind it such as trauma, anxiety, and depression.  Each of the program sessions begins with an overview of topics essential to successful recovery from substance misuse and concludes with group therapy.

To participate in this program, participants must commit to the entire eight-week program of twice-weekly group sessions and cannot be in active withdrawal from their substance.  No medical/medication interventions are included with this program but referrals can be made for a higher level of care.  Following completion of this program, participants will be given priority for scheduling ongoing, individual therapy or joining a Whole Professional therapy group facilitated by a professional therapist.

The best time to get help is now.

Sessions will be held:
Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00am – 9:30am

Eight-week, twice-weekly groups will start:

January 30, 2023 I April 3, 2023 I June 5, 2023

Recovery Discovery Brochure
