Managing Anxiety and Stress in the Workplace

Having an anxiety disorder can have a major impact on professionals in the workplace. People may turn down a promotion or other opportunity because it involves travel or public speaking.  They make excuses to get out of office parties, staff lunches, speaking opportunities, and other events or meetings with coworkers.  Or they may simply be unable to meet deadlines.

In a national survey on anxiety in the workplace, people with anxiety disorders commonly cited these as difficult situations: dealing with problems; setting and meeting deadlines; maintaining personal relationships; managing staff; participating in meetings, and making presentations.  All of these can impact work performance and interpersonal relationships with colleagues.

Tips to Manage Stress and Anxiety at Work
Getting stressed out at work happens to everyone, and it is perfectly normal. Stress that is persistent, irrational, and overwhelming, however, can impair daily functioning and may indicate an anxiety disorder.  If you find that anxiety is starting to impact your work performance, it may be helpful to keep these ideas in mind to keep your work life manageable:

  • Tell a trusted coworker. Knowing that someone understands your condition can be comforting and it may reduce any anticipatory anxiety about having a panic attack at work.
  • Educate yourself. Learn to recognize the symptoms of your disorder and how to handle them if you experience any at work.
  • Practice time management. Make to-do lists and prioritize your work. Schedule enough time to complete each task or project.
  • Plan and prepare. Get started on major projects as early as possible. Set mini-deadlines for yourself. Anticipate problems and work to prevent them.
  • Do it right the first time. Spend the extra time at the outset and save yourself a headache later so you do not have to redo your work.
  • Be realistic. Don’t over commit or offer to take on projects if you don’t realistically have enough time.
  • Ask for help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask a coworker for help.  You can return the favor at another time.
  • Communicate. Speak up calmly and diplomatically if you have too much to handle. Your supervisor may not realize you are overextended.
  • Stay organized. Filing and clearing your desk and computer desktop may rank low on your priority list, but they can save you time in the long run and may prevent a crisis later.
  • Avoid toxic coworkers. Try to not get pulled into negativity and gossip in your workplace.
  • Take breaks. A walk around the block or a few minutes of deep breathing can help clear your head.
  • Set boundaries. Try not to bring work home with you. Don’t check your work e-mail or voice mail after hours.
  • Savor success. Take a moment to celebrate your good work before moving on to the next project. Thank everyone who helped you.
  • Take a vacation. You’ll be rejuvenated and ready to work when you come back.
  • Take advantage of employer resources and benefits. Your workplace may offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), discounts to gyms, or skill-building courses. Learn what’s available to you.
  • Be healthy. Eat healthfully, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and limit caffeine and alcohol. Try to keep your body and mind in shape to handle challenging situations.

It’s important to find help for anxiety, stress, and related disorders.  Working with a therapist can help you to not only manage your anxiety but to understand, and mitigate, some of the reasons behind it.  With treatment, most people find significant improvement. Several standard approaches have proven effective.

