Essential Habits for Cultivating Success

When you see professionals who have accomplished extraordinary things, you can’t help but wonder what makes them different.  There are a number of studies that show recurring characteristics consistent with high achievers who:

1. Plan each day with purpose and action.
Successful people plan their days differently, better, more purposeful, and more meaningful. They know that action without a higher degree of purpose is a waste of time.

2. Step outside of their comfort zone.
Successful people thrive when they are stretched beyond what they think they think is safe. They consistently push the boundaries of what they feel is possible.  They don’t accept settling. This means stepping outside of their comfort zone and questioning the world around them, looking for opportunities to constantly improve.

3. Surround themselves with smart people.
Some of the world’s trailblazing entrepreneurs—Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg—had a solid team around them from the beginning. They knew their team was crucial to their success. Collaboration allows you to refine your thinking, to challenge yourself and to be challenged by others with a different view.

4. Focus on the big picture.
Focusing on details allows you to track results and make improvements based on facts, not guesswork. Sometimes, however, we get lost in the implementing and forget the building and creating. If you are not designing and creating a better life for yourself, personally and professionally, who will? Never lose sight of the big picture and always work on your why.

5. Get the job done.
It’s human behavior to procrastinate. High achievers have developed laser-like focus when it comes to getting things done. At times they can seem obsessed and selfish, often making sacrifices most of us would not be prepared or willing to make.  Work on prioritizing more effectively, setting aside time to focus on your goals list, not your to-do list.

6. Never stop learning. 
One of our greatest abilities is the capacity, and desire, to learn. Unfortunately, most of us stop actively learning once our formal education ends. We allow ourselves to remain stagnant in our careers and personal lives. To put it succinctly, “If you are not green and growing, you are ripe and rotting.”

Success breeds success. Challenge yourself on a daily basis. Never give up. Surround yourself with great people who will support you as you move forward.
